fasting Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Holy Spirit Jesus lent prayer Spiritual

Led By the Spirit for Forty Days

What does our relationship with God look like right now? Are we closer to our family, friends, and loved ones than we are to God? Do we find more joy in the things of the world than in the love and freedom Jesus has given us? As we journey through Lent, let’s invite the Holy […]

Jesus Listen Meaning of Life prayer Put Others First Selflessness Spiritual

You Ain’t Never Had a Friend Like Me

One of my favorite Disney movies is Aladdin. It has an interesting story, and Robin Williams adds a lot of humor to the film. The movie shows how a single wish can change someone’s life for better or worse.  We all have our own wants and desires and if we are Christians, most of us […]

Depression Faith Fear Help Listen Pain and Suffering prayer Spiritual Stress

Why Are You Terrified?

We try our best to live comfortable and enjoyable lives, but bad things happen. Life can often be tough, and some people suffer a lot of pain in this life. I pray to God that my family and I all live happy and healthy lives, but that’s not always the case. No matter how hard […]

fasting lent Spiritual Temptation

Into the Desert

I would have preferred to title this blog “Into the Dessert,” but I think the current title is more appropriate for the season of Lent. I do love my desserts though. They help make a hard day a little better and a good day great. However, life brings us many deserts and going through one […]

Listen prayer Spiritual Thanksgiving

The Power of Prayer

Jesus did many great things in His life on Earth. Not only did He teach us how to live in order to get to Heaven, He also performed many miracles, healed many sick people, and even raised the dead. However, He also often went off alone to pray to His Father. In order for any […]


Ask and You Shall Receive

There are many forms of prayer, but the form most people are familiar with are prayers of petition. We all need help and we are good at asking, begging, and pleading for God to come to our aid. However, we don’t always get what we want. Many people have lost their faith, fallen away from […]


Trust in the Lord

We all have a list of things we want and have feelings of what we think we deserve in life. We have a plan of how things are supposed to go and when things don’t go our way, we turn to the complaint department. The one who gets bombarded with the complaints is God. God […]