Body of Christ Compassion Gifts and Giving Light Love Put Others First Spiritual

The Love Within Us

Thanksgiving has come and gone and now we look forward to the Advent and Christmas season. This is a stressful time for many people because they worry about shopping for Christmas presents and are also anxious as to what they may receive. The advertisements all try to convince us that we need this or that […]


Think Like God

There are so many people who are confused about life. Some become so depressed with life that they try to escape reality and just fast forward through life. It’s easy to turn to things like drugs, alcohol, or even cell phones and multimedia devices to escape reality. People can also use their jobs as a […]


What Can I Do for You?

How many of our prayers involve asking or begging God for help with this or that? I can relate to those prayers as a pilot who commutes by airplane and isn’t guaranteed a seat. I have walked quickly through the airport many times saying the Our Father over and over hoping to get on my […]


The Last Will Be First

When I race against my kids and lose, I will sometimes say, “Well, the Bible says the last shall be first.” Of course, they never accept my excuse, but it is absolutely true in regards to gaining treasure in heaven. There are basically two attitudes we can have towards our neighbor that will affect our […]