Beatitude Body of Christ Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Joy Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Peer Pressure Perseverance Purification Put Others First rejoicing Role Models Saints Selflessness Spiritual

Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to be truly blessed and find lasting happiness. Each beatitude offers a valuable lesson, but the overarching message is clear: we are not called to think and act like the world tells us to. Instead, we must align our lives with God’s will. Let’s explore each beatitude […]

Faith Follow God Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Meaning of Life Spiritual

They Left Everything and Followed Him

Life offers many paths, each filled with opportunities and choices. The great gift we have is the ability to decide where we go and what we do. However, every choice we make closes the door to other possibilities. A man who chooses to become a Catholic priest gives up the option of marriage. A pilot […]

Faith Father Fire Getting to Heaven Holy Spirit Pain and Suffering Perseverance Purification Spiritual

Baptism of Fire

Many wondered if John the Baptist was the Christ, but John put an end to that speculation, saying, “I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of His sandals.” He also declared, “I baptize you with water… He will baptize you with Spirit and fire.” Fire is a force that demands respect. It has the […]

Getting to Heaven Gifts and Giving Meaning of Life Put Others First Reward Sacrament Spiritual Talent

The Heart of Giving

When we recognize that all we have in life is a gift from God, we are moved to give back to Him who blessed us. God, through our parents, gave us life. He also gave us all of our talents expecting us to use those talents not only for ourselves, but to benefit others. Whether […]

Addiction fasting Getting to Heaven laziness Spiritual Temptation

Sacrifice is the Path to Eternal Happiness

There are so many enjoyable things to do in this world. One example is the cruise that I just went on with my family. There were shows, food, music, and all sorts of indoor and outdoor activities. We also had the chance to just relax and be lazy. It’s good to keep ourselves entertained and […]


No Rest for the Weary on the Road to Heaven

Mom, John keeps copying me. No Mom, Joseph is copying me. Stop it! No you stop it! You’re mean! No you’re mean! AHHH! If you have little kids you can relate to this kind of dialogue. My wife and I spend every day trying to do the best we can to raise our kids to […]