Beatitude Body of Christ Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Heaven Jesus Joy Meaning of Life Pain and Suffering Peer Pressure Perseverance Purification Put Others First rejoicing Role Models Saints Selflessness Spiritual

Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us how to be truly blessed and find lasting happiness. Each beatitude offers a valuable lesson, but the overarching message is clear: we are not called to think and act like the world tells us to. Instead, we must align our lives with God’s will. Let’s explore each beatitude […]

Body of Christ Demonic Depression Division Follow God Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Put Others First Sadness Selflessness Spiritual Temptation

Divide and Conquer

I like to stay informed about what’s going on in the world, but I don’t enjoy watching or reading stories from most news outlets. The news usually has a negative and opinionated slant to it and often pits two factions against each other or talks negatively about an individual or a group. This creates a […]


Rejoice and Be Glad, For Your Reward Will Be Great in Heaven

We live in the valley of tears where pain, suffering, and death persist. Not only is life in general sometimes hard to bear, but it’s also tough to consistently live a virtuous life and say no to all the temptations that come our way. While following the path of Jesus is not an easy one, […]


Stand Erect and Raise Your Heads

Life is full of wonderful moments, but it’s also full of much sadness, fear, and worry. While one person celebrates a gain, another grieves a loss. One person is overjoyed with a win while another is depressed from a failure. No matter if life treats us good or bad, we need to keep our eyes […]