Catholic Church Faith Getting to Heaven Meaning of Life Perseverance Reward Saints Spiritual Trust

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

As we get older, we find it easier to understand the world around us. However, there are still many things that we can’t fully understand and explain. Understanding God, His kingdom, and His plan for us requires faith. While we may understand some aspects of reality and much of what Jesus teaches, we need to […]


Humility and Humanity

Most of us have had our share of good fortune and/or have been blessed with a special talent. When we succeed or use our talents to do something great, it’s hard to not proclaim it to everyone. We like to sweep our imperfections under the rug, while accentuating our strengths. Perhaps one of the hardest […]


How to Become Spiritually Wealthy

We all want to be successful and have enough money to take care of ourselves and our family. A little extra money would be nice too. Money is nice in this life, but it is finite and can’t be taken with us when we die. Spiritual wealth is infinite and we should spend more of […]