
Passing the Torch

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he told His followers, “…go out into all of the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature”. He didn’t say, “go relax and be merry”. We all have a duty to spread the flame of Christ’s love because if it doesn’t get passed on, it will fade out. I […]


The Terrors of the Night

Are you afraid of the dark? I know I was when I was a kid. My little kid mind would be imagining all of the monsters hiding in my dark room. The clothes in my closet sometimes looked like a monster staring at me. Every noise that I heard in the dark of night sounded […]


Be a Star

John the Baptist said, “I am the voice crying out in the desert, make straight the way of the Lord.” He proclaimed that the Messiah was coming and that everyone should repent and prepare themselves for His arrival. We are also all called to proclaim the message of Jesus to others and to prepare the […]


Don’t Be a Scrooge

As a whole, we are a very lazy and self centered society. We tend to do just the minimum required to get by. It’s sometimes hard to see the benefit of putting in extra effort. However, the person on the receiving end of the effort definitely notices. We don’t go through life alone. Even though […]