The magi originally intended to report back to Herod about Jesus. However, after encountering the child and receiving a warning in a dream not to return to Herod, they chose a different path home. It’s hard not to be changed after encountering Jesus. Jesus came to bring transformation to the world. He once said, “Do […]
Tag: truth
Jesus told his disciples that He came into the world to testify to the truth, and everyone who belongs to the truth listens to His voice. Yet many struggle to hear the truth because they filter out anything that challenges their beliefs. We must actively seek the truth, including the essential truth of our own […]
As many of the people who are close to me know, I had a scare recently when I suddenly lost hearing in my right ear. I couldn’t identify a specific cause and the doctor could only speculate. Losing my hearing was frightening and it’s amazing how life can change in an instant. We are used […]
In last week’s Gospel, Jesus had just told his disciples to eat His body and drink His blood in order to gain eternal life. This week, we get to see how many people reacted. A lot of people who had followed Jesus up to that point, couldn’t accept this teaching and so they left Him […]
We have so many questions that we wish we knew the answers to. It’s disappointing to know that we’ll probably never know the answers to many of our questions in this lifetime. Even though we may not know all the answers, Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to guide us to the answers. The […]
We sometimes feel like we are in the dark and have a hard time discerning what to do or where to go in life. There are so many choices available to us and we can easily get overwhelmed. We can even have a tough time deciding on what is right and wrong and good or […]
Superman was always my favorite superhero. I loved how he was always trustworthy, noble, and good. When he dealt with the bad guys, he only neutralized the threat instead of paying back evil with evil. Superman would try to minimize casualties and even saved the lives of those he was trying to stop. Truth, justice, […]