
The Harvest is Abundant, but the Laborers are Few

There is an old saying that says that ten percent of the people do ninety percent of the work. In every organization, there is only a small percentage of people who are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty. Newton’s first law of motion also states that a body at rest will remain at rest. We could all use a push to get us in motion.

God has so many good things prepared for us, but how many people will show up to the feast to reap the reward? The more the merrier is an appropriate saying in regards to Heaven. Although God is the primary reason for our joy in Heaven, every soul that makes it to Heaven will increase the joy of the rest. We all have talents that we are best at and those talents will make Heaven better for everyone.

All who make it to Heaven will spend eternity there, but there may be a difference in the quality of the time that we will spend there. There has often been talk about degrees of Hell and Heaven. Perhaps, the strength of our relationship with Jesus will affect how we experience the joy of Heaven. Also, someone may experience Hell differently depending on how distant that person was from God and how much pain the person inflicted on others. In the end, every soul will see and understand the truth. Each soul will realize how their actions affected other people both positively and negatively. Hell is basically the despair and pain that the soul experiences in realizing the errors that created distance from the love of God. The soul always longs for God and experiences pain when separated from Him.

If you are reading this, it means that there is still time to take action and put in the effort necessary to ensure your soul gets to Heaven. In the parable of the talents, the servant who buried his talent and didn’t gain anything from it, was sent away into the darkness. God expects us to use our talents to give back to others and to Him. We have a finite time to use our talents, so we need to remember to not focus primarily on doing the things that will make us happy in this life, but doing things that will keep us happy for all of eternity.