Body of Christ evangelization Getting to Heaven Guidance and Direction Light Meaning of Life Role Models Spiritual

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me

Jesus came into the world not only to open the path to Heaven for all of humanity but also to show us how to find and follow it. After His ascension, the apostles and early disciples were entrusted with spreading the good news of salvation. This message has been passed down through generations. Now, as the current generation, it is our responsibility to continue sharing the light of Christ so that it doesn’t fade away.

At Baptism, the Holy Spirit comes to each of us and ignites a spiritual spark, calling us to be a light for the world. But like any fire, it requires care and attention to keep burning. If we neglect it, the flame diminishes, and darkness begins to creep in. Just as a fire needs attention to stay burning, we need to keep tending to our spiritual life in order for it to thrive.

Prayer and communion with God are essential to keeping this flame strong. When we attend Mass and receive the Eucharist in a state of grace, we fuel our spiritual fire. Receiving the sacrament of reconciliation also plays a critical role, cleansing our souls and strengthening us against sin and temptation.

When our spirit is ablaze, it naturally lights up those around us. Love is contagious, and we’ve all experienced how uplifting it feels to be around someone who radiates love and makes us feel valued. While life offers plenty of reasons to complain, it’s infinitely better when we foster positivity and avoid falling into negativity.

It’s easy to go along with the crowd and to stay silent in the face of moral wrongs. Standing up for what is right requires effort and courage. If our own spirit is merely a smoldering ember, we cannot inspire others to draw closer to God. A weak flame is easily extinguished. Therefore, let us tend to our spiritual lives, keeping our fire burning brightly so we can ignite others. Jesus said it best by saying, “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing.” Let us take this to heart and ensure our spirits burn brightly for Him and others.