Father Holy Spirit Jesus Spiritual Trinity

The Trinity

This coming Sunday is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I’m sure many priests don’t look forward to writing a homily about this topic, as the Trinity is very hard to wrap our minds around. The best thing to do is to invoke the Holy Spirit to help guide us to the truth about God.

The Father is the creator of all things. He is the perfection of love. While each part of the Trinity, loves the other parts, the Father wanted to expand His love to something beyond Himself. Thus, He created, the angels and humanity along with all of creation.

The Son’s role is to redeem us from our sins. The consequence of committing original sin was that we became permanently separated from God. Jesus acts as the bridge to span the chasm that was created between humanity and God. That’s why Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.”

The Holy Spirit’s main role is to provide guidance, encouragement, knowledge, and support to those on the path to the Father. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts to use to help us on our journey. We should use those gifts to not only get ourselves to Heaven, but to get others to Heaven as well.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all distinct entities, but not separate entities. We use the word consubstantial which means of the same substance, essence, or nature. We should involve and welcome the Trinity in every aspect of our lives. Every time we make the sign of the cross, we remind ourselves about the three persons of the Trinity. We may not have a perfect understanding of God, but the process of continually seeking to know Him better brings us closer and closer to Him.