
What are You Looking For?

Life is busy. We are always doing something from our long to do list. Sometimes there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. We all have goals and aspirations in life, but what are we really looking for?

Don’t we all love the feeling we get when we buy something that we really want? Our body releases endorphins and we feel good. How do we feel a week, month, or year later about that thing we bought? What about the feeling we get when we go somewhere and have a good time? Do we have the same intense feelings for it several years later? What about after we get married and have children; are we satisfied then?

There will never be a moment in this life where we can say that we are 100% satisfied and don’t want anything else. Everything in this world will only temporarily and partially satisfy us, leaving our souls longing for more. The only way we will be forever and completely satisfied is by sharing in our Master’s joy in heaven.

So if we think spending an eternity in heaven with God is the best way to find complete happiness, what are we doing in this life to make that happen? We can be great at planning, budgeting, and researching earthly matters, but not so good with the eternal. If we truly want to make it to heaven, we need to figure out what it will take to make that a reality.

A lot of people today are anxious about the things going on in the world. No matter what side you are on, our world seems to be either on fire or on the brink of catching on fire. There is violence, disease, and death. It all stems from us not respecting our neighbor. I’m not here to say how to fix the problems of the world, but I will ask you, “What are you looking for?”