Humility Put Others First Spiritual Unity

Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted

One of the good things in this world is that there is a large amount of diversity. No two people are exactly alike. Some are good singers, others good at math, and others make great priests. Some people make a lot of money and can afford anything they want and others can’t even afford the basic necessities. However, when you put everyone together in society, they all work together using their strengths and talents to make the whole of society better.

A lawyer might get paid more than a garbage collector, but without the services the garbage collector, society would be a lot more stinky. A movie star might get lots of attention, but they wouldn’t get any attention without the camera operator. We shouldn’t think that we are above others because we have a prestigious job or because we have great talents. We also shouldn’t think that we are worthless because of our lowly job or lack of talents. Many people who are wealthy are spiritually poor and vice versa. No matter how good or successful we are, we need to have a humble attitude.

The higher we lift ourselves up, the bigger our fall will be. A humble person won’t fall and be humiliated because they aren’t propping themselves up high and proclaiming to be great or special. When someone who has lifted themselves up high gets attacked, they fight back more viciously because they have a reputation to uphold and like to stay at the same level. A humble person doesn’t let attacks bother them, because they have learned what is truly important in life. It’s more pleasant to be around someone who is humble as well. I really don’t care what other people have. I think it’s great to see someone doing good, but I don’t like them more because they have more or better stuff. I enjoy spending time with people who are down to earth and don’t try to impress me with their gifts or treasure.

Luke 14:10 reminds us to take the lowest position so that when the host asks us to take a higher position, we will enjoy the esteem of our companions. It’s much better to take a low position and be promoted than a high position and be demoted. Humility allows us to better love God and others. It helps us to better put God first and others second. Just think how many wars could have been avoided if the parties on both sides were more humble. Humility isn’t easy to master, but with practice, we can become better at it and continue to make the world a brighter place.